Open skype for business
Open skype for business

You may need to login with your Pitt email address and password and complete the usual two-factor authentication process.

  • If you need to install Skype for Business, scroll to "Getting Started in 3 Easy Steps" on this page and follow the link to download the Skype for Business application.
  • Mac OS X users can open Spotlight by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top-right and typing in "Skype for Business" to search.

    open skype for business

    To perform a quick search to confirm whether or not you need to download the Skype for Business application in Windows, click on the search box next to the Start menu icon at the bottom-left and type "Skype for Business" to search.

    open skype for business

  • Users with Office 365 and/or Office 2016 installed should already have Skype for Business available.
  • Please note: For advising meetings and other similar purposes, Skype for Business is best used on a desktop or laptop computer and not on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet.
  • Be sure to login with your Pitt user account information.
  • Please note: Skype for Business is part of the Office 365 suite that students, faculty, and staff have access to via their Pitt accounts and it is different from the standard Skype app that you may have used to communicate with people outside of Pitt. You will need to use Skype for Business to meet virtually with your advisor.
  • open skype for business

    In certain situations, when students are not available to come to campus, your academic advisor may request that you meet via Skype for Business in lieu of a face-to-face appointment.

    Open skype for business